Wednesday, 9 March 2011

No I.V. Steroids here

Dear MS,

I write to thank you for your recent visit and the dizzy spells this has caused me. I feel it encumbent upon me to write and, whilst thanking you for once again sparing the time to make my life a misery, I should like express a few thoughts upon any future visitations.

Firstly, blood tests, MRIs or visits to Dr Neurology do not scare me and any threats of such will be treated with appropriate disdain. The thought of spending a month off work sitting at home, watching daytime TV is not such a bad one, and apart from the agonising trips to Outpatients for IV steroids, is something to look forward to and cherish.

Secondly, whilst I bow to your superior intellect and initiative in concocting innovative ways to make me sick, in addition to and notwithstanding, the dizzy spells, I can only look forward to these episodes with the same fervour associated with the funerals of close family members.

Thirdly, and finally, you may be a common bacterium able to resist most forms of medication but I have God and therefore, vicariouly, modern medicine, on my side so you can come and have a go if you think you are hard enough.

Yours unapologetically,

MS Survivor

PS. No of days since last MS attack: 0

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